InfoRange seeks to contribute to integrating external telemetry and observatory data with land-user generated data on bio-geo-physical ecosystem features in order to render digital and ICT services more relevant for land-users’ immediate management decisions on grazing, watering and animal health management.
Objective 1: | Understand the current system used by pastoralists to collect and share information relevant for decision-making on resource use, its shortcomings and the information needs of communities. |
Objective 2: | Based on this needs assessment, the objective is to adapt, modify and develop existing ICT tools to support rangeland management and use decisions and veterinary services. |
Objective 3: | To make digital and ICT services more relevant to rangeland users by developing methods and solutions to enhance the use of ICT tools and increase their distribution and accessibility under reduced network coverage. |
Objective 4: | To combine approaches from citizen science, crowd data sourcing, machine learning and participatory monitoring and evaluation to make ICT tools more relevant for decision making at different levels of governance. |
@K.Sri, 2023