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Research Associate Email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! ; Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Phone: +254 721 839 306 Skype: hussein.wario |
Training | Hussein completed his BSc (Botany and Zoology) at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya) in 2002 and obtained his MSc in Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway) in 2006. He conducted his PhD research at DITSL. |
Career | He has worked for CARE International in Kenya for over 4 years in Northern Kenya. During his time with CARE, Hussein worked in various projects. He worked as project officer for Institutional capacity building project (2007-2008) and in 2009 coordinated a project with multiple components such as livelihood activities, water and sanitation and education among refugee hosting communities in North Eastern Kenya. In 2010 he worked as program officer in Global fund funded project in Nairobi and later in 2011 joined the Adaptation Learning Program as disaster risk reduction officer. In 2011, he joined DITSL in order to conduct his PhD research in the frame of the collaborative research project “Livelihood diversifying potential of livestock based carbon sequestration options in pastoral and agro pastoral systems in Africa” led by ILRI and funded by BMZ. In 2015, he defended his PhD thesis titled “Integrated assessment of resource use strategies among the Borana pastoralists of southern Ethiopia”. |
Research Interests |
His main research interest is on areas of pastoral land use systems, communal grazing resource management, resource use conflicts, and climate change adaptation. |