Managing Director (CEO)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +49 (0) 5542 607 29
Skype: christian.huelsebusch

Publication List

Training Christian Hülsebusch studied agricultural sciences at the Universities Bonn and Hohenheim. He specialised in livestock sciences with emphasis on tropical livestock systems and holds a doctoral degree in agricultural sciences from the University of Hohenheim (1998).
Career He was coordinator of the DFG funded SFB 308 "Adapted Farming in West Africa" in Niger (1998 - 2000), scientist at the Institute of Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics (2000) and Executive Manager of the Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics at the University of Hohenheim (2001 - 2005). Since November 2005, he is managing director of the German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL).
Experience abroad Christian Hülsebusch has long term research and working experience in Kenya (~ 4 years) and Niger (~ 2 years) and short term experience in Afghanistan, Burundi, China, Georgia, India, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco and Oman.
Research His main research interest is on livestock based landuse systems and their interactions with the environment, camels and their adaptation to the environment, and sustainable wildlife management.
Current Research Projects DITSL Reserch
Teaching Christian Hülsebusch lectures on pastoral livestock production systems, management and utilisation of wildlife and unconventional livestock, and on tropical animal health at the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel at Witzenhausen.


Permanent Staff


Christian Huelsebusch
(Dr. sc. agr.)
Managing Director (CEO)
Email:  huelse[at]; huelse[at]
Fon:49 (0) 5542 607 29 Skype: christian.huelsebusch

Ute Dietrich

Ute D. Dietrich
(MSc Resource Management)
Program Coordinator
Email: u.dietrich[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 0

Brigitte A. Kaufmann
(Prof. Dr.)
Director Research
Email: b.kaufmann[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 19
Skype: brigitte.a.kaufmann

Claudia Blaue
(Dipl. Bibl.)
Email: library[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 13

Eckhard Baum
(Prof. Dr.)
Email: e.baum[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 20

Dr.Eric Tielkes

Eric Tielkes
(Dr. sc. agr.)
Conference Management and JARTS Editor-in-Chief
Email: e.tielkes[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 500 753

Post-Doctoral Scientists


Margareta Lelea
(PhD Geography)
Senior Scientist
Email: m.a.lelea(at)
Fon:+49 (0) 5542 607 18

Jan Küver
(PhD Heritage Studies)
Post Doc
Email: j.kuever[at]

Lilli Scheiterle
(Dr. sc. agr.)
Post Doc
Email: l.scheiterle[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 23

Bettina Haussmann
(Prof. Dr. Plant Breeding)
Senior Scientist
Email: b.haussmann[at]


Project Staff


Anne Siegmeier
(MSc Organic Agriculture)
Research Assistant, DAAD Alumni Programs
Email: a.siegmeier[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 33

Lea Ludwig
(BSc Organic Agriculture)
Research Assistant, DAAD Alumni Programs
Email: l.ludwig[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 33

Janna Pfister
(Dipl.-Ing. Organic Agricultural Systems & Agroecology)

Research Assistant
Email: j.pfister[at]


Angela Nyakato
(BSc Agricult. Sciences)
Research Assistant
Email: a.nyakato[at]

Anne Raithel
(BSc Agricult. Sciences)

Ursel Kegler

Ursel Kegler
WeltGarten Witzenhausen
Email: u.kegler[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 55 42 / 6 07 92


Tony Lindenau
Coordinator myWeGA³
Email: t.lindenau[at]

Lukas Dessoy
Koordination BNE-Netzwerk Nordhessen
Email: l.dessoy[at]

Technical & Support Staff


Inka Seibel
MSc Agriculture
Project Accounting
Email: i.seibel[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 32

Jenny Wagner
Dipl. Verw.
Property Management
Email: j.wagner[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 32

Klaus Schaller
Digital Documentation
Email: k.schaller[at]
Fon: +49 (0) 5542 607 13

Achim Vogel
Dipl. Ing. Agrar
Property Management
Fon: +49 (0) 175 332 78 35

Wolfgang Kummer
Tischler Meister
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


PhD Scholar


Eva Hilt
(MSc agr.)
PhD Student
Email: e.hilt[at]

Patricia Kiprono
(MSc )
PhD Student
Email: p.kiprono[at]

Rufo Roba Halakhe
PhD Student

Wilhelmina KL Nuule
PhD Student
Email: w.nuule[at]

Malit Wako
PhD Student
Email: m.wako[at]


MSc Students


Godwin Osas Oriakhi
MSc Student
Email: UK074702(at)

Bicco Kateuru Tjiuna
MSc Student
Email: btjiuana(at)

Keerthana Sri
MSc Student

 Associate Research Fellows


Hussein Tadicha Wario

Hussein Tadicha Wario
(PhD Agricultural Sciences)
Research Associate
Email: h.wario[at]

Saverio Krätli

Saverio Krätli
(Dr. phil.)
Email: saverio.kratli[at]

Ann Waters-Bayer

Ann Waters-Bayer
(Dr. sc.agr)
Email: waters-bayer[at]

 Karsten Linne

Karsten Linne
(Dr. phil.)
Email: karsten.linne[at]

 Martin Nadarzinski

Martin Nadarzinski
(M. A.Ethnology)

 Joana Albrecht

Joana Albrecht
(MSc International Area Studies)

Katharine Tröger

Katharine Tröger
(Dr. sc. agr.)

Pamela Ngwenya

Pamela Ngwenya
(PhD Geography)
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email: p.ngwenya[at]

Maria Restrepo

Maria Restrepo
(Dr. sc. agr.)
Associate Research
Email: majorestre[at] 

Mareike Aufderheide
(MSc Sustainable International Agriculture)
Research Associate
Email: m.aufderheide[at]

Oliver V. Wasonga

Oliver V. Wasonga
(PhD Rangeland Ecology)
Post Doctoral Fellow (GrassNet)
Email: o.wasonga[at]

Raphael Lotira

Raphael Lotira

Guyo Roba

Guyo Malicha Roba
(Dr. sc. agr.)
Email: guyo.roba[at]

Hassan G. Roba

Hassan G.Roba
(PhD Development Studies)
Post Doctoral Fellow (GrassNet)
Email: h.roba[at]

Detlef Hanne

Detlef Hanne
(PhD Geophysics, Dipl. geol.)
Email: d.hanne[at]

Raphael Gudere
(Practitioner-Expert of Pastoral Livestock Production Systems)

Markus Frank
(Dr. sc. agr.)
Asociate Research Fellow

Email: m.frank[at]



Formers Staff and Alumni