Kaufmann, B. and Hensel, O. (2017). Sustainable Agriculture. In: von Hauff, M. and Kuhnke, C. (eds.), Sustainable Development Policy: A European Perspective, pp. 316–333, Routledge Abingdon, Oxan; New York, NY, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315269177
Agriculture is considered the world’s most important economic sector, since it is the most widespread land use form and it is the sector that contributes to income creation of the largest segment of the global population. Agriculture, together with forestry and fishing, is the sector which is most directly connected with nature and which is dependent on natural resources. Agricultural systems are therefore represented as complex social ecological systems (e.g. Woodhill & Röling 1998, Janssen et al. 2007, Kremen et al. 2012), in which humans strategically influence natural processes in ecosystems to produce goods (food, fibre, fuel) for which there is demand in society (Coughenour 1984).